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Wisefish Trading - Sales

The Wisefish Trading module is used for handling sales of the Trade Items. Items and/or pallets are reserved, price calculated and invoices are posted through the sales documents of the standard Business Central system.

The module holds different kind of agreements:

  • Delivery Agreements are the main documents of the module. They serve the purpose of selling trade items to the customer. They deal with inventory availability, pricing, and freight rate tools for example.

  • Blanket Sales Agreements can involve a long-range period where many individual delivery agreements are created from a single blanket sales agreement.

  • Quote Sales Agreements can be created to make an offer to a customer or a prospect to sell certain products on certain delivery and payment terms.

  • Internal Sales Agreements are used to perform sales within different parts of the company.

This manual illustrates the most used sales features related to the Wisefish Trading module. and is applicable for versions BC20 or newer.

Wisefish uses a license file for it’s systems. All users must have a valid WISELCS BASIC license set.

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