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Register Sale by Reserving Pallets

The Register Sale by Reserving Pallets action supply driven selection where the focus is on fulfilling customer’s request for items which are available inventory. A supply-driven pallet reservation method allows the user to reserve available pallets without creating any agreement lines beforehand. Afterwards, when the reservation is completed, the agreement lines are created as required and synchronized with the correct item no., variant, location and quantity figures (No. of TIs and Qty).

A salesperson creates a Delivery Agreement to be processed according to the agreement’s prerequisites as specified by the user, including the designated customer (and currency if required) related to the sales.

Agreement lines are left empty as the supply-driven method will take care of creating them when the reservation process is completed by the user.

The Supply-Driven Pallet Reservation process is to be done using a designated user interface showing an overview of available pallets for reservation, alongside with those that have already been reserved into the corresponding agreement.

The functionality for the Supply-Driven Pallet Reservation process is accessible at any time for the user before completing agreement reservation.


The first step in the creation of a delivery agreement is to assign the Sell-to Customer No. field.

NOTE: The releasing of the Delivery Agreement is not necessary at this stage before the pallets are reserved. Nor is it necessary to create any item lines for the Delivery Agreement before entering into the pallet reservation.

It is only necessary to have the Delivery Agreement header assigned with the correct customer (and currency if required):

To enter into the pallet reservation interface, use the Register Sale by Reserving Pallets action provided in the action ribbon of the agreement:

Pallet Reservation

Consequently, the following worksheet for pallet reservation opens up for the corresponding Delivery Agreement where filters for the specific item no. are provided, alongside with location code and stock center in the header section of the screen:

By selecting the desired pallets in the left section of the pallet reservation worksheet (Select Pallets for Reservation to Agreement), the user can reserve them with the Reserve Pallet-action as follows:

As a result, the selected pallets are reserved into the delivery agreement and appear in the right-hand section of the pallet reservation worksheet (Reserved Pallets in Agreement to Outbound) as an indication for the reservation of the selected pallets into the delivery agreement (represented by outbound pallet entries):

Pallet Reservation - Assigning Sales Price

Notice the Unit Price column is assigned with the value 0.00 – That is due to the fact that a sales price entry exists for item C300. The unit price can be adjusted for each pallet's outbound entry as desired, by registering a designated unit price into the corresponding column:

The unit price can be adjusted for each pallet's outbound entry as desired, by registering a designated unit price into the corresponding column.

Pallet Outbound Statistics

Adjusting the sales prices on pallet outbound entries as a group can be done using the Pallet Outbound Statistical Analysis action provided in the action ribbon of the pallet's reservation worksheet:

The following page (Pallet Outbound Statistics) opens up with the pallet outbound entries accumulated together by sales prices:

By adjusting the sales price on the accumulated entry, the sales price is updated on all the related pallet outbound entries in the Reserved Pallets in Agreement to Outbound-section of the pallet reservation worksheet:

Pallet Reservation - Finalize

The final step in the supply-driven pallet reservation process is to use the Confirm Selected Pallets for Reservation to Outbound-action from the action ribbon of the reservation worksheet:

The lines in the Reserved Pallets in Agreement to Outbound will then have turned bold.

This results in the creation of the item lines for the delivery agreement, synchronized with the pallet reservations:

When the accumulated reservation for the agreement has reached its target, the person responsible for the Register Sale by Reserving Pallets process has at that point the opportunity to change the status from Open to Released as an indication for its readiness to enter into the invoicing process.


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