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Scan Pallets into Picking for Delivery

This action is often used when the warehouse is not split into organized sections but are picking from a specific lot. The sales person will then create a Delivery Agreement, fill in the lines, release the agreement and finally place it into picking. The picker in the warehouse will then find the products using the bulk picking method. To see how to release a Delivery Agreement, click here. To see how to place the agreement into picking, click here.

Bulk-Picking Method

The Bulk-Picking method is selected in the Delivery Agreement under the Warehouse tab.

It can also be defined in the Location Card under the WiseFish tab by marking the Bulk-Picking / Freestyle Reservation (Trade Item).

Zones and Bins Within the Bulk Warehouse

Create at least one single Zone in the bulk warehouse. Also create the designated receipt-, shipment-  and storage bins (areas) within the zone. Notice that the storage bins can hold multiple pallets: Storage bin B-A1 for example holds up to 1.000 pallets.

Scanning Pallets into Picking

In a Released Delivery Agreement that has already been placed into picking, click General > Scan Pallets into Picking for Delivery. The action won’t be clickable until the agreement has been placed into picking.

A new page opens up, seen below. Once the pallet is scanned the pallet barcode will automatically be filled out.

Note that this example is done on a PC, therefore there is no scan and the barcode is typed in.


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