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TIs Availability Overview

The Trade Item Availability Overview function allows the user to view the available Trade Items in the system. It has essentially the same functionality as the Register Sale by TI but just with a different view. This action can be accessed in two different ways. In the Delivery Agreement ribbon click Supply-Driven Reservation > TIs Availability Overview. This view opens all of the trade items available in the system. The user does not have to have filled out the Delivery Agreement lines prior to using this option.

Or through the Delivery Agreement lines actions. Click Manage > TIs Availability Overview. This shows an overview of all available items, filtered by the items filled out in the Delivery Agreement lines. In this instance it would show all trade items with the item number C300. The user has to have filled out the Delivery Agreement lines prior to using this option.

Trade Item Availability Overview screen has three main sections: (1) Filters in the header, (2) items in the lines, (3) and actions.

The purpose of having a specific filter section is to provide an instant filtering option for key elements like item, item category, location, etc. Some filters have a box with three dots in it, once clicked the user can view all of the available options the system contains. The lines in are color coded:

  • The Item Category is bolded and black.

  • The Location of the item is bolded and teal.

  • The Items have a regular and teal font.

  • If no items are available in a lot, the font is regular and red.

  • If there are items available in a lot, the font is regular and black.

Click on an available lot under a desired item. Then click Sales Agreement > Allocate TIs Into Reservation. The selected line will then have turned red.

The items have then been reserved since the lines in the Delivery Agreement have turned bold and green.


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