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Wisefish Label Printing

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Introduction Wisefish Label Printing

Introducing Wisefish Label Printing—a powerful labeling solution for seamless production control in the seafood industry. Create custom labels with essential details like dates, lot numbers, product IDs, and barcodes. Running in Business Central Cloud integration, with a application that runs quietly on your computer, allowing easy printing on network or local printers. Elevate your labeling process with Wisefish Label Printing, designed to complement the Wisefish solution, enhancing your workflow with understated efficiency.

Product Description


  • Custom Label Creation: Easily design labels with options for including dates, lot numbers, product IDs, and barcodes.

  • Running on Business Central Cloud: Seamlessly connects with Business Central Cloud for efficient data management and printing capabilities.

  • Compatibility with Network and Local Printers: Works effortlessly with both networked and locally connected printers for flexible printing options.

  • Integration with Wisefish Seafood Industry Solution: Works seamlessly with the larger Wisefish ecosystem for a comprehensive end-to-end solution.

  • Scalability: Scales with the needs of your business, accommodating growth and expansion without compromising performance.

Features on Roadmap

No features are on the roadmap.

Examples of Features Outside of Scope

  • Offline Capability: Running in the cloud the location needs to be online to be able to print. On prem works offline.

User Interface

Screenshot on how to print from Wisefish

Item and pallet labels can be customized for specific customers for specific items by configuring label overrides for customers.

A pallet information

Usage Examples

Works for fish producers that are producing pallets or boxes. You can create a template and it is automatically updated with the correct date, correct product and correct customer name.

User Manuals

Work in progress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it work offline?

Running in the cloud the location needs to be online to be able to print. On prem works offline.

Does it work on premise?

Yes it both works on prem and in SaaS.

Licensing guide

Wisefish will offer this as a per company/installation module. A discount can be given to those who already own a license to Bartender.

Works with Wisefish Production and Warehouse.

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