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Wisefish Warehouse

The Wisefish Warehouse module is used for handling warehouse storage of Trade Items. Items are received into warehouse and pallets registered with the put-away functionality. While items are being stored, pallets can be transferred within the warehouse. At the time of shipping the picking functionality aids with shipping items out of the warehouse. An option is given to invoice receipt and shipment fees, as well as calculate storage fees according to quantity and length of the storage.

For the management of storage items, owned by a customer, a new set of agreements are introduced in the Wisefish system:

  • Storage Receipt Agreement: For receiving pallets & their related trade items into storage.

  • Storage Shipment Agreement: For shipping pallets & their related trade items out of storage.

This manual illustrates the most used features related to the Wisefish Warehouse module. and is applicable for versions BC20 or newer.

Wisefish uses a license file for it’s systems. All users must have a valid WISELCS BASIC license set.

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