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Release Notes Wisefish 21.2.20231123.38003

Wisefish Base

Release Date: 11/24/2023

New Features:

  1. Add a new Report Inventory by Location

A new report called Inventory by Location has been added under the Inventory by Status category. The objective of this report is to display the inventory details and group the report by Location. The report displays the details like Original Producer, Item No, Item Description, Unit Cost, Net Weight, Gross Weight, Trade Items, Pallet No., Production Date, Expiration Date, Order Number and currency code. Gross weight and Net weight are calculated based upon how the Gross weight and Net weight are defined for an item in the Item card. The Total Trade Items, Gross Weight and Net Weight of each items are displayed for a specific location. The report displays the Net Weight, Gross weight and Trade Items bases upon the the Base Unit of Measure defined in Wisefish setup.

Report: Inventory by Location

  1. Getting Certification from Innova

A new feature has been developed where Wisefish receives and records the certifications added to the production lots, while Innova is sending the production records. While receiving the record, Wisefish first checks if the “Certification Program” with valid abbreviations like “MSC” has has been defined in the production record from Innova then a creates lot in Wisefish having that certification in it.

Wisefish throws an error if the certification defined in the record does not exist in Wisefish and also it shows an error when the certification has expired or not applicable yet.


  1. Change the display format of Quantity in the “Trade Item to Reserve” column

The quantity displayed in “Trade Item to Reserve” column in a Delivery Agreement Line Overview page was displaying the two decimal points as .00 even for the whole quantity , for ex 25 was displayed as 25:00. This format has been changed so that it does not display the decimal point. It was also done to make it consistent with other columns like “No of Trade Items” .

  1. Adjust Icelandic translation of Extended Text

The Icelandic translation for the Extended text has been adjusted through out the system to match it with Microsoft. The “klausur” has been changed to “Lengdir textar” in the system.

Resolved Issues:

  1. Allow the status to be changed to “Picking Finished”

Allow "Warehouse picking status" on Delivery Agreement to be changed to "Picking Finished" with unit price=0 in Delivery Agreement lines. Remove the validation that is displayed when unit price is 0.

The validation to adjust the picked quantity yo registered quantity in the the delivery agreement line should be removed and the delivery agreement lines should be auto adjusted.

  1. Blanket Agreements – Planning Deliveries: Add support to Credit Delivery Agreements

When the user creates a credit delivery agreement from a delivery agreement that is connected to a blanket sales agreement, the summary form of the scheduled deliveries does not subtract the credit delivery agreement amount instead it adds the amount. A support to credit delivery agreements should be added to the “Scheduled Delivery Planning for Blanket Agreement” page.

  1. Display Container Temperature on Loading Instructions Report

The Container Temperature on the Loading Instruction Report should be displayed as it is setup in the extended code line for the temperature clause code of transport unit in schedule trip.

Report: loading Instruction

  1. Demand-Driven Reservation for Pallets - Not reserving correct lines

The user should be able to select a line in the Delivery Agreement and stay in that line, he should be able to navigate between the lines with the actions next and previous. When navigating between lines the user should be able to directly allocate to the line he is working in. The allocation need to look at the line, not just item number.

  1. DA action Send to Invoicing - Unexpected creation of Transport Unit

When an user creates a Delivery Agreement with the clear intention of not dealing with Transport Units, sets the “Reservation Method for Scheduled Trip” in the DA Shipment tab to “Allow Without Transport Unit” and reserves trade items to DA and runs action “Send to Invoicing”, the system unexpectedly and automatically creates a Transport Unit and forces an assignment of the TU to the DA. The reserved Trade Items for the DA are however not updated accordingly. The mismatch between Transport Unit in DA and reserved Trade Items causes errors in the users process.

The Transport unit should not be auto created when user is not intending to create a transport unit.

  1. Production Agreements - Schedule Start Time

The start time under the Schedule should be blank by default. It is causing issues when creating a new Production Agreement with a Lot Code.

  1. Production Agreements don't open automatically

When creating a Production Agreement from a Delivery Agreement, it doesn't opens automatically. It needs to open automatically so that the lines can be checked & activated.

  1. Dimensions value missing in Trade Item journals, resulting in a posting error

When copying information from OTI/TILE to a “Trade Item Journal Line” entry, dimensions from OTI/TILE are now always being copied to the Trade Item Journal Line.

  1. Error in posting the Transfer Order

Transfer order created the Item Tracking Line with the Inbound Document No. in the Lot No. field when it should be the Trade Item Lot Code.

  1. Locked Lot Field

 In “Handheld Feed to Lot” page the Lot field is locked down and cannot be changed.

Also the Lot show isn’t valid based on the Posting Date, when changing the Posting Date the lot should be a valid lot. I.e.  Posting Date >= Lot.Starting Date & Posting Date <= Lot.Ending Date

  1. Validation error

When changing the Shipment Date on a Delivery Agreement after the Production Agreement has a Status = Finished a validation error is displayed stating that a Finished Production Agreement Line cannot be inserted modified or deleted.

Link to Issues:

List of Issues Released 21.2.20231123.38003 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (

Release History:

Release Notes Wisefish 21.2.20230920.33061 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (

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