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Release Notes Wisefish 21.2.20231128.38437

Wisefish Base

Release Date: 11/28/2023

New Features:

  1. Add new fields on Transport Unit

A new set of fields and “Picking Zone Code (Default) ” and “Picking Bin Code (Default) ” have been introduced into the transport unit table. User define these values while they are editing the transport unit for the scheduled trip. The intension is to provide an additional support for the picking process in the warehouse, related to the transport units for the loading of the pallets (logistics).

When relevant Transport Unit is selected for picking in “Warehouse Pallet Picking Worksheet”, “Default Zone and Bin for Picking” are filled in the respective fields. Doing so, the user does not have to manually select the Bin to ship and get information on where to go with the pallet to load in the transport unit.

  1. Add Customer Certification Program functionalities to 10004730 and 10004727 Reports

After the customer fields have been added we need to add that functionality to the reports in the following ways:

  • Field “Certification Process” should contain three options: Blank or Yes or No. Blank should be the default option, (See table).

  • One more new field called “Selected Certifications” should be added below the “Certification Process” field and it should display the number of selected certification that have been added to the Customer.

  • If certification process is Yes, the status of all the selected certifications for items sold to this Customer should be shown.

If marked:

Blank (Show All)

Yes (Show Selected)

No (Show None)


Certifications that are on the sold stock are shown.

Certifications under the valid certifications field are shown (that is what the customer wants to see)

No certifications shown on reports

Additionally, remove the option on the report that says to display the certifications but keep the option for the logo. Because depending on what the customer has set up should appear on the report.

  1. Add Customer functionalities to 10005310 and 10005300 Reports

After the customer fields have been added we need to add that functionality to the reports in the following ways:

  • Field “Certification Process” should contain three options: Blank or Yes or No. Blank should be the default option, (See table).

  • One more new field called “Selected Certifications” should be added below the “Certification Process” field and it should display the number of selected certification that have been added to the Customer.

  • If certification process is Yes, the status of all the selected certifications for items sold to this Customer should be shown.

If marked:

Blank (Show All)

Yes (Show Selected)

No (Show None)


Certifications that are on the sold stock are shown.

Certifications under the valid certifications field are shown (that is what the customer wants to see)

No certifications shown on reports

Additionally, remove the option on the report that says to display the certifications but keep the option for the logo. Because depending on what the customer has set up should appear on the report.


  1. Enhance the feature to Personalize the Delivery Agreement Detail Page

When personalizing the page 10005308 it was not possible to set the fields under “Reference Number” to go under show more or move them around. The problem was because the Reference Number was in a Grid component that Microsoft has changed usage of. In order to solve the problem the Reference Number group was taken out of the grid.

  1. Update codeunit for Certification Program Inspection Report

Upgrade codeunit for Certification Program Inspection Overview report.

The way things used to register into this overview is that the user would insert which certification program was on the Delivery Agreement Line on the Certification Program Code field. Now the overview listens to what is on the customer. The customer can be marked as Show All, Show Selected and Show None. Default is Show All.

What we need to make sure is that the user should still get the correct information when generating this report. The values that they inserted in the DAL need to stay the same and the agreements that are created after the upgrade should have the new way of doing things.

  1. "Link Extended Text" in customer card and vendor card

Currently when the extended text is linked to a customer the extended text is duplicated in the WF Extended Text List. It should be enhanced such that when the user opens the view extended text page from the customer or vendor card they should only be able to see extended text that has not been created on an item, customer or vendor. The user should still be able to link one extended text to many customers.

When we upgrade users currently using the extended text functionality we have to make sure that the extended text they have linked to their customers or vendors are still linked.

  1. Fix warnings on Inventory By Location report

The warnings on the code for Inventory By Location Report was resolved.

Resolved Issues:

  1. Certification Programs print on report 10004728 "WF Sales - Credit Invoice"

Certification Programs and the logos were not appearing in the report. If the items are certified then the item should be marked with a star in the report and there should be text below the lines stating which items are certified. The logo should appear in the bottom corner on the right as in the screenshot below.

  1. Certification Programs print on reports 10005315 and 10005305

Certification Programs and the logos were not appearing in the report. If the items are certified then the item should be marked with a star in the report and there should be text below the lines stating which items are certified. The logo should appear in the bottom corner on the right of report.

  1. Certification Programs print on report 10005301 "Purchase Agreement"

Certification Programs and the logos were not appearing in the report. If the items are certified then the item should be marked with a star in the report and there should be text below the lines stating which items are certified. The logo should appear in the bottom corner on the right of report.

  1. Job Queue is very slow to update events

Job queue is very slow at updating events with a large job queue log entry table. We have tracked it down to codeunit 10004522 "WiFi Integr Events Std. Nav".T472_OnAfterModifyEvent_u().

  1. Personalize" columns in Reservation Subform

It was not possible to adjust the column in the Trade Item reservation page table of delivery agreement page. The reason for this is that the pages are in a “Grid” layout so that we can control them “right and left”. If we take them out of the Grid, then they will be shown “Up and Down”, and then we can’t control the height of both subpages. To fix the current problems some of the most important columns were arranged to the left most end of the table so that the most critical information are visible without adjusting the column.

  1. DA Settlement Wizard - Create a credit for a Charge Item is overwriting the Gen. Prod. Posting Group on the credit line with the DAL posting group when it should be the Charge Item posting group.

When using the Settlement Wizard from the Delivery Agreement to create a credit for a discount we use Charge Items with a Gen. Prod Posting Group to allow for different GL accounts to be used to record the credit. For example 8020 has Gen. Prod. Posting Group = 11120. Then when we post the credit memo the amount is posting using the Gen. Bus. Posting Group and the Gen. Prod. Posting Group to the correct G/L Account.

  1. Production Agreements Overview - Consumption / Output -> Reserve Open Trade Items for Consumption - Filtering on the production lot code

From the page “Production Agreements Overview - Consumption / Output” when you open then “Reserve Open Trade Items for Consumption” page it filters on the production lot code. This filter should be blank as we are trying to reserve stock to consume to this lot code.

  1. Azure File Link on DA issue

The Azure files are now storing as expected. However, it’s putting it in both the new “Azure File Link” as well as the old “Links” section. The Links one doesn’t work, so its a bit confusing. Secondarily, can we populate the “Note” column with the file name, so the user can more easily see which document it is rather than scrolling along a large link.

  1. Australian ENA translation file

The VAT Prod. Posting Group and VAT Business Posting Group should say GST in the Australian ENA translation file.

  1. Delivery Agreement - Azure File Interface

When I released a DA (DA339887) the error “The Azure File Interface Table is empty” is displayed.

Link to Issues:

List of Issues Released 21.2.20231128.38437 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (

Release History:

Release Notes Wisefish 21.2.20231123.38003 - WiseFish Release Notes - Confluence (

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